The Duffel team

We are deprecating /air/partial_offer_requests endpoints

AUTHOR: The Duffel team

We are removing support for all of the /air/partial_off_requests/ endpoints in the next version of our API.

We are deprecating this endpoint as we believe it no longer supports the modern flights retailing experiences you and our supply partners demand and we will instead be focussing on enabling industry-leading shopping experiences on our offer_request and batch_offer_request endpoints.

In line with our versioning policy, v2 of the API will be sunset 6 months after the release of the next major version and that release is not currently scheduled.

Please take appropriate steps to migrate off of the partial_offer_request endpoints at your next convenience. We will communicate the sunset timeline for v2 as soon as it is known.

If you have any questions, please reach out to

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